Challenge #25 - A recipe!

Thursday 27 June 2013
Good Morning Followers!!!

Thanks for all your gorgeous entries into our previous challenge! 
First of all our Winners from last week....

Freckled Fawn ($20 Voucher) - 38. Stephanie 

Stamp Fairy ($10 Voucher) - 46. Tiggertastic

And our Top 3 chosen by Caz -

No 4  Crofty C

No 27  Doreen

No 36 Karien

This week it's Team Gem's turn to set the challenge which is...

3,2,1 recipe! 

This means you must use 3 of something, 2 of something else and 1 of another thing!
Please tell us your 3,2,1 in your blog post!

Any creation from any type of craft!!! 

We'd like to give a huge big welcome back to our monthly sponsor!

Sally-Ann from Digistamp Boutique! Now i'm sure you've all seen her fabulous work???!? NO?! Well head on over to her Digi shop! there's a digi for everything her work is fantastic and at such a low price too! Sally-Ann is very talented! go on! have a peek!!

One Lucky winner will receive their choice of SIX Digi's from Digistamp Boutique!

Here's what Team Gem came up with to inspire you all.......

♥ Allison ♥
3 flowers, 2 candy, 1 image

♥ Joanne ♥
3 papers, 2 flowers, 1 lace

♥ Gemma ♥
3 pearls, 2 flowers, 1 ribbon

♥ Joyce ♥
3 flowers, 2 punches, 1 ribbon

♥ Natalie ♥
3 dewdrops, 2 stamps, 1 doily
♥ Catherine ♥
3 papers, 2 pearls, 1 ribbon

♥ Carissa ♥
3 buttons, 2 papers, 1 image

♥ Mandy ♥
3 Flowers, 2 Papers and 1 Image 

♥ Renate ♥
3 butterflies, 2 punches, 1 paper

♥ Eemeli 
3 papers, 2 images, 1 sentiment

♥ Wendy ♥
3 buttons, 2 papers, 1 image

Thanks to all the team for their beautiful creations!

You have until Wednesday 7:30pm UK time to add your creation to our linky system!
The Design Team will be popping by to see your fabulous work!

*Please NOTE Our RULES*
*No more than 10 challenges linked Inc ours
*No more than 3 entries per person per week
*Must be linked back to the challenge blog
*Must follow this weeks theme/recipe
*Must be linked to your blog post not just your blog pleasey :-)
*New work only: anything blogged before the challenge goes live will not count!

*Sorry but any entry not following rules will be deleted and not eligible for the prizes*


  1. Such a great challenge love the DT work xxxx

  1. carol said...:

    hi thanks for picking me as one of the top 3 this week, fab challenge and great DT work, x crofty c

  1. cotnob said...:

    Such fabulous DT inspiration, thank you for the great challenge.

  1. Karen P said...:

    Thanks for the challenge and fab DT inspiration hugs Karen

  1. Beautiful cards DT. Wonderful challenge.

  1. Jennifer said...:

    ALL the DT creations are truly amazing!!

    Jennifer. x

  1. Carla S. said...:

    Fantastic DT creations! Thanks for the fun challenge!

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Hiya everyone! thanks for taking part in this weeks Charisma Challenge!

Happy Crafting

Charisma Galz xXx