Thursday, 31 December 2009

Yep that's right it's our 1st birthday!! whoop whoop what a year it's been!!!

Now we have to have a fab challenge for you all to take part in!!!
that can cover a whole array of things, birthdays, christenings, weddings etc etc it's compleatly up to you!!!
Now for the winner of this challenge we're sponsored by Simon Says Stamp!!!

$20.00 gift certificate! for this weeks winner!

We don't want to just give you that do we??!?!?!
So we're having a birthday blog hop!!!! You'll start here and visit every DT along the way to find a sentance then come back here to let us know what it said (Comment moderation will be on so no cheating!!!) and of course our DT have a little prize on each of there blogs along the way!!! There is no word here.... you must collect your first at..... Carly's blog!!! ONCE YOU'VE BEEN TO ALL THE BLOGS YOU'LL NEED THESE WORDS - NEW YEAR, don't forget to leave us your sentence in comments (we won't be disclosing comments with the sentance till next week!)

BUT!!! we don't just want to give you that do we.....Are offering a Bundle of smirk goodies!!
There's a 6x6 paper pad of both 'Naughty but Nice' and 'Love and Friendship' together with an embellishment tote.

These are more prizes up for grabs for the challenge entrys this week...

Are donating 5 prizes of 10% off vouchers for 5 lucky winners!!

Are offering some cute digi's!!
Digi stamp Boutique are offering some sweet digi's a voucher of £5!!

Are offering 5 digi sheets of the winners choice!!

Crafty Muse are offering a whole set of once upon a time digi's!

5 WINNERS will recieve something which is a suprise! from various sponsors!
That's 15 winners next week!!! woo hooo!! AND A winner from each DT candy if you take part in the blog hop! so what you waiting for!!!
Here's our talent DT's work!






You have until 7.30 p.m. (GMT) on Wednesday to get your project linked up to qualify for the prize drawing!

Please post your direct link to your project on Mr. Linky rather than in the comments sections - remember, please link directly to the post with your project not the whole blog!

As always, we look forward to your amazing creations and appreciate the continued support of Charisma Cardz!
Thank so much

CHALLENGE CLOSED AT 199 Entries see you at 9.30am!! xx

Winners of Challenge 50!


What another fantastic week we had here at Charisma - thank you so much to all of you who entered into last weeks challenge! we had an amazing 198 entrys!! wooo hooo

We are pleased to annouce the winners are:

All That Scraps: 174 - Heather UK
SNR: - 100 - Penny Light

Congratulations! Please could you e-mail us at charismachallenges@live.co.uk to arrange your prize to get out to you, please contact us by Sunday 6pm GMT or you will unfortunatly have to forfiet your prize.

This weeks challenge is being set by by the Carlyann at 9.30am!

Thanks for playing and we all hope you'll play again this week.
The Charisma Gals xXx

Merry Crimbo! & New DT!

Thursday, 24 December 2009

We'd Like to wish everyone a very merry christmas and a happy new year!

Thank You to everyone who applied for our DT position, it was very very hard to decided (so we've picked two!) haha!

We'd like to welcome

Tasha & Kelly to the Charisma Team

We hope you'll join us in 2010!

The Charisma Gals xXx

Week # 50 - 2 week Challenge

Thursday, 17 December 2009
Good morning, it's week 50 and our last challenge before Christmas, so to give everyone a break next week, this challenge will last for 2 weeks.

Thank you all for your wonderful entries last week to Carly's Red, Green & White/Silver, lots of fantastic Christmas cards & a few non-Christmassy ones too, we really appreciate all of the support you've all given us this year.

It's me, Jan, setting the challenge this week and as I'm sure most of you (some of you??) have now finished all your Christmas cards and hopefully a lot of your presents & boxes, this week the theme is:

Anything - but Christmas!

So that should give you plenty of scope and if you're anything like me, you'll find it's actually quite nice to make a non-Christmassy card for a change!

As we're running for two weeks, we've got two prizes to give away, the first is from:

And here's a bit about them from Christine, the owner of All That Scraps -

We offer a little of everything for one stop shopping, including cardstock, pattern paper, many stamp companies and great shipping rates. Home of C.C. Designs Rubber Stamps which is my passion, I love to see my drawings come to life on someones card or project.

Here's the fantatic prize they're offering:

Our second prize is sponsored by:

Scrapbook News & Review

They're offering this week's winner a 3 months subscription to their online scrapbooking magazine!!! How fantastic!

Here's what Anne from SNR says:

Scrapbook News and Review is the hottest publication to hit the scrapping world. Built for paper lovers of every form, we have complete sections for Cards, Stamping, Digital, and more. Every edition comes filled with 3 to 4 times the content of your average scrapping magazine, and all for one low rate. Best of all, our 3 months pass gets you access to everything we have ever published. This is an entire resource library at your fingertips. Love your paper? You will adore SNR'

So onto the DT cards for this week, some wonderful ideas to hopefully inspire you, if you click on the DT's name you can go to their blog and leave some lovely comments!

We look forward to seeing what you come up with and all of us at Charisma would
like to wish you all:

A Fantastic Christmas!

You have until 8pm (GMT) on Wednesday (2 weeks time) to qualify for
entry into the draw for the prizes.

Lots of love

The Charisma gals xx

Please leave your link with Mr Linky rather than in the comments sections - that would be fantastic. Please remember to direct us to your entry post not your whole blog! Links which are not correct shall be deleted *Also please remember we have a 3 creation limit!* this makes it fair to everyone!


Winner of Challenge No. 49


What another fantastic week we had here at Charisma - thank you so much to all of you who entered into last weeks challenge!

We are pleased to annouce the winner of this challenge is:

No: 52 - Mellisa E!!

Congratulations! Please could you e-mail us at charismachallenges@live.co.uk to arrange your prize to get out to you, please contact us by Sunday 6pm GMT or you will unfortunatly have to forfiet your prize.

This weeks challenge is being set by by the lovely Jan at 9.30am!

Thanks for playing and we all hope you'll play again this week.
The Charisma Gals xXx

Colour Combo Challenge #49

Thursday, 10 December 2009
Good Morning Crafters!
Tis that time of week! a brand new challenge! We here at charisma are wondering have you finished your crimbo shoppin yet???? not long left till the big red man pops down our chimney's and leaves us lots of lovely pressies

Anyways... this week's challenge has been set by me (Carlyann) I've decided that i'd like to use a colour combo this week!


Now then they may be obvious colours for christmas but you can make whatever you like! we always like to see what you can come up with!!!

This week we're proudly sponsored by our regular sponsor....
Who have been kind enough to award the winner of the challenge the 'Cupcake set' (which is huge!!!) by Regina Easter from The Cutting Cafe. Plus if that isn't enough the winner can choose three other sets of their choice! Be sure to check out the Cutting Cafe!

******Don't forget we have an open DT call at the mo! we'd love to hear from you follow the link on the right for more info*****

Here's our wonderful inspiration from our lovely DT this week - Allison


Thank you from Charisma Cardz and the DT for joining us this week.

You have until 8pm (GMT) on Wednesday to qualify for entry into the draw for the prize.We look forward to seeing your fabulous creations.The Charisma gals xx

Please leave your link with Mr Linky rather than in the comments sections - that would be fantastic. Please remember to direct us to you entry post not your whole blog!

Thanks xx

**Challenge Closed at 78 entrys! see ya tommrrow morning!!**

Winner of Challenge 48

Hello and good morning everyone!

Thank you so much to all of you who entered into last weeks challenge! It was great to see everyone going away from the Christmas theme and coming up with some absolutely gorgeous summer creations.

We are pleased to annouce the winner of this challenge is: no:50 Maxine W!

Congratulations! Please could you e-mail us at charismachallenges@live.co.uk to arrange your prize to get out to you, please contact us by Sunday 6pm GMT or you will unfortunatly have to forfiet your prize.

This weeks challenge is being set by by the lovely Carly at 9.30am!

Thanks for playing and we all hope you'll play again this week.
The Charisma Gals xXx

Dreaming Of Summertime... Challenge #48

Thursday, 3 December 2009
Good Morning All!

What a lovely week we had looking at all your Christmassy Creations - it has certainly made us girls get in the Christmas spirit!!

However...just to throw a spanner in the christmas card making works...our very lovely Karen has come up with a corker of a challenge this week......
I'm Dreaming of Summertime!

This can be interpreted anyway you like, so get creative!


Our Sponser this week is:

Simon Says Stamps

They are offering the winner a $20 voucher for their shop, it's full of amazing products some of which you can't get in the UK so hop on over for a browse and choose what you'd like if you do win this week!

To get you in the 'summertime' mood, here is some inspiration from the Charisma Gals:








Sadly, Karen has decided to leave the Charisma DT, she is going to be greatly missed by us all, and we hope she comes back time to time to join in with our challenges! Take care hunnie!

We are now left with a opening in our DT, therefore, if you are interested in joining us, please click here for details on the DT Call.

You have until 8 p.m (GMT) on Wednesday to get your project linked up

to qualify for the prize drawing.
Please post a direct link to your project on Mr. Linky!
rather than in the comments section, remember! please link directly to
your post with the project, not the whole blog.

As always, we look forward to your amazing creations and
appreciate your continued support of
Charisma Cardz!

The Charisma Girls

**Challenge closed at 52 entrys**
See you tommrrow!

Winner Of Challenge 47

Good Morning everyone!

Thank you so much to all of you who entered into last weeks challenge - it was a fun to see what you all came up with!

We are pleased to annouce the winner of this challenge is:
No:92 Maxine!!!!

Congratulations! Please could you e-mail us at charismachallenges@live.co.uk to arrange your prize to get out to you, please contact us by Sunday 6pm GMT or you will unfortunatly have to forfiet your prize.

This weeks challenge is being set by Leanne on behalf of Karen at 9.30am!

Thanks for playing and we all hope you'll play again this week.
The Charisma Gals xXx

DT Call! Open (Scroll down for challenge)

Wednesday, 2 December 2009
We're currently on the look out for a brand new DT Member!!!
and it could be you!!!

If you can:
*Commit to -
Creating a new project each week
Post your own challenge with the DT and on the main challenge blog when it's your turn
Be able to photograph your work

You will become a part of the charisma girls!
get freebies from sponsors!
join our private DT blog with lots going on!
get a giggle from a lovely bunch of girls!

If this is something you'd like to do
Please email us with 3 photos abit about yourself and your blog addy to -
Closing date is: Christmas Eve!

Hugs Charisma Gals

Charistma Cardz Challenge 47

Thursday, 26 November 2009
Good Thursday Morning!

Happy Thanksgiving

from all of us here in the USA

Welcome to another Challenge at Charisma Cardz

I want to thank everyone who took part in our challenge this past week

using Joanne's fabulous sketch. Your entries were superb.

Are you all tired of Christmas cards yet? I hope not because this week's challenge has been set by me, (Sally) and I have chosen the theme:

Anything Christmas

You know me. Anything goes. Just have fun with it. It can be a card, altered item,

decorations. The sky is the limit.

Our Wonderful sponser this week is:

Your Next Stamp

Our prize this week is from YNS collection and is called Fiona & Penguin

Karen from Your Next Stamp says "Your Next Stamp is a Canadian Family owned Stamp company filled with fun and whimsical rubber stamps to make you smile. I'm Karen, owner of Your Next Stamp and I am thrilled to be sponsoring Charisma Cardz Challenge.

I wish everyone a fun filled week

Look at the fabulous "knock-your-socks-off creations" by our DT and don't forget to visit their blogs to see all their wonderful creations. It will be well worth your time.

Just click on the name under their creation and it will take you directly to their blog.




Sally (to see the rest of the story visit my blog)

You have until 8 p.m (GMT) on Wednesday to get your project linked up

to qualify for the prize drawing.
Please post a direct link to your project on Mr. Linky!

rather than in the comments section, remember! please link directly to

your post with the project, not the whole blog.
As always, we look forward to your amazing creations and

appreciate your continued support of

Charisma Cardz!
The Charisma Girls

**Challenge now closed see you in the morning!!***