Get to know our Design Team a little better!!
Team Carlyann
♥ Carlyann ♥
I'm predominantly a card-maker tho in the last year or so i've delved into scrap booking head first and love it, as well as documenting my life through Project life (has become an obsession) collecting and smash*ing things too! I've slowed on the card front but picked up in making and altering books and anything journally!
As well as being on some other wonderful Design Teams!
I'm addicted to all things Sparkly, Flowers and totally addicted to PINK!! and have a big weakness for papers, flowers, glitter... ok anything crafty!!!
♥ Leah ♥
Hiya! I'm Leah the Orange, and I'm thrilled to be a permanent Charisma Gal! I'm a Canadian import, living in South Jersey, about a half hour from the Atlantic Ocean. I don't miss the Canadian winters, but we have nasty summers that i like to call "Soup" here in New Jersey! I've always marched to the beat of my own drummer, so I tend to lean toward things that are different - indie and/or foreign films, music you'd never hear on Top 40 radio, clothes that you can only find in thrift stores, and art that makes you go "hmm..." - that's my bag! I've been a paper crafter for 3 1/2 years or so, and the inspiration hit me by my English penpal who used to send me her own handmade cards, usually featuring the adorable Penny Black/Margaret Sherry hedgies.
Once I started rubber stamping, there was no turning back! I play around on a small handful of design teams and enjoy card making the most, but i tinker with scrapbooking and altered items as well. I'm an ambitious banker chick, I'm married to an eccentric art teacher/artist/musician, I have a son who's just entering adulthood, and a sweet little cat named Miss Ophelia owns my heart. I also like to babble and often invent my own words, so don't be surprised if you catch yourself asking "what on EARTH did she just say?!". :) Drop by my blog, The Chronicles of Orange, if you're in the mood for some quirky silliness!
♥ Lisa ♥
Hi, my name is Lisa and I have been card making for just over a year and a half but I’m totally addicted to it! I have a very supportive (and long suffering) husband who indulges my craft passion. My card making style is quite simple and uncluttered and I just love colouring stamps (digi and rubber) with pencil crayons, promarkers and chalks. I also have a bit of a thing for patterned papers and glitter!
Hi, my name is Lisa and I have been card making for just over a year and a half but I’m totally addicted to it! I have a very supportive (and long suffering) husband who indulges my craft passion. My card making style is quite simple and uncluttered and I just love colouring stamps (digi and rubber) with pencil crayons, promarkers and chalks. I also have a bit of a thing for patterned papers and glitter!
♥ Sarah ♥
♥ Sarah SW♥
Hi my name is Sarah and I am married with two lovely but lively boys James and Ben. I love all things crafty but my main passions are cardmaking and scrapbooking and I am now addicted to stamping. Just wish there were more hours in the day! Sarah
Hi my name is Emma, I live with my Hubby Chris, my dog Kacey & cat Anya. We live out in the country in Wiltshire near Swindon, I use to be a complete townie but since meeting & marrying Chris I have had my eyes opened & have to admit I now love the open spaces & don’t think I could live in a town or city again.
When I first started card making I thought it would be something nice to do to take my mind off things happening in my life, little did I know it would take over my life. I am learning new things all the time & my ever growing collection of stamps, papers & dies are slowly consuming the living room, but I must say I’m the happiest I’ve been in a long time. Chris however might not be as happy as he’s usually covered in glitter, hay I have to make him pretty somehow Em xx
♥ Tina ♥
♥ Lorraine ♥
I am a working mum to two boys - 16, 22 - both six footers and very handsome! They still manage to keep me on my toes - I have my life partner who puts up with my crafting which has been going on now for around five years. I love most paper crafts from paper construction to just sitting quietly and colouring which is possibly my favourite. I have a ‘list’ of techniques that i want to try this year and will hopefully begin to incorporate some of them into my projects - so watch this space for both fails and successes!!!
♥ Sari ♥
Team B♥ Tina ♥
Hello! I am from Central Illinois. I have been married to my wonderful husband, Robin , for 20 years and we have 2 beautiful children (Lacie -22 and Isaac- 18). This year we sent our baby off to college so we now have an empty nest. With no children at home I have a lot more time for crafting! I have been crafting since I was a little girl. First with crochet then on to just about everything else! I have been scrapbooking and card making for about 10 years now and it has become quite an obsession! When I am not in my craft room I enjoy spending time with my friends and family, reading or spending time outdoors. I look forward to seeing all of the wonderful creations here. Happy Crafting!
♥ Lorraine ♥
I am a working mum to two boys - 16, 22 - both six footers and very handsome! They still manage to keep me on my toes - I have my life partner who puts up with my crafting which has been going on now for around five years. I love most paper crafts from paper construction to just sitting quietly and colouring which is possibly my favourite. I have a ‘list’ of techniques that i want to try this year and will hopefully begin to incorporate some of them into my projects - so watch this space for both fails and successes!!!
♥ Sari ♥
I’m a mother of two lovely daughters in Finland. We also have one male in our house – little bunny with big ears. I have been crafting about three years now and absolutely loving it. I have no special style in my card, I like to try different things and styles. Stamps, digistamps, 3D’s and ready pictures; CAS, vintage, fun, scary – like to do them all. Just can’t make my mine which is my fav, but I do know: I’m happy when crafting…
♥ Allison ♥

My name is Allison and I live in Hamilton, Scotland along with my two dogs Bud, a fourteen year old Jack Russell and Misty a six year old German Shepherd.
I work for the local Council by day and by night I get out the glitter and sticky tape and craft. I started card making about 6 years ago after looking at a card making kit in a Christmas catalogue and thinking “ How hard could that be- it looks like fun” and that was the start of an obsession but thankfully my skills have improved considerably since then.
I am never far away from my craft room or thinking of what my next project is going to be Even the trip to work flies by as I am often thinking about ideas and looking for
inspiration during the journey. I love earth tones and distressing but do have a pink phase about twice a year. I love to try different techniques and shapes and even mistakes can turn into happy little accidents that can be altered into something else. I am currently on a few design teams and love the fact that somewhere someone may be inspired by something that I create.
♥ Joanne ♥inspiration during the journey. I love earth tones and distressing but do have a pink phase about twice a year. I love to try different techniques and shapes and even mistakes can turn into happy little accidents that can be altered into something else. I am currently on a few design teams and love the fact that somewhere someone may be inspired by something that I create.
My name is Joanne, married to Matthew and have 2 daughters. I've been crafting for about 6 years now, mainly cardmaking, but dabble in jewelery making and have found a new love of making my own flowers for cardmaking, hair accessories, corsages etc. if you ever meet me I'll have a flower somewhere, be it on my clothes or my bag! I also have a keen passion for cookery, so if I'm not at my desk creating I can be found in the kitchen baking!!
♥ Joyce ♥

Although born in England, I've lived most of my life here in Canada, where I try to make the best of the weather we have here. The hot summers and cold winters aren't my cup of tea, but they are a perfect excuse to stay inside being crafty! I've always loved working with colour, whether knitting, sewing, decorating or gardening.....but now its with paper, stamps and various colouring mediums. I'm always looking to try something new.
My hubby and I have three lovely daughters and four wonderful grandkids, and we celebrate our 40th this year. Both of us are into crafts, and I think we both compete as to who doesn't have the most stuff!
♥ Natalie ♥

”I am 20 years old, currently unemployed but looking for a career in crafting and I have been crafting for around 3 years.
I belong to 4 other DT’s and have 2 dogs called Millie & Hollie!”
Although born in England, I've lived most of my life here in Canada, where I try to make the best of the weather we have here. The hot summers and cold winters aren't my cup of tea, but they are a perfect excuse to stay inside being crafty! I've always loved working with colour, whether knitting, sewing, decorating or gardening.....but now its with paper, stamps and various colouring mediums. I'm always looking to try something new.
My hubby and I have three lovely daughters and four wonderful grandkids, and we celebrate our 40th this year. Both of us are into crafts, and I think we both compete as to who doesn't have the most stuff!
♥ Natalie ♥
”I am 20 years old, currently unemployed but looking for a career in crafting and I have been crafting for around 3 years.
I belong to 4 other DT’s and have 2 dogs called Millie & Hollie!”
♥ Catherine ♥
My name is Catherine, I am French and I live in France. I discovered the scrapbooking in 2003, then I dashed into the card shop when I discovered stamps Magnolia. I decided to share my realizations by creating blogs which I invite you to discover...
♥ Carissa ♥
♥ Mandy ♥

Hi my Name is Amanda or Mandy as everyone calls me. Im 23 and have been crafting for a few years now. I mostly make commisionned cards but now and again I get to make cards for my blog :) hugs mandy xxx
♥ Renate ♥
Velkommen til mitt lille hjørne av Bloglandia! Et sted dedikert til min papirgalskap (og muligens et snev av annen galskap også.*lol*) Når sjansen byr seg i en hektisk hverdag, inntar jeg roteloftet og kreerer for egen rekreasjon. Dette er mine (re)kreasjoner
♥ Eemeli ♥
Hello from Finland! My name is Eemeli and I am a recent graduate (Master's degree) in Telecommunications. I have spent my days with a bunch of guys for years and my mind works like an engineer so my design style is more or less cas. Don't expect to find girly decorations or a lot of fluffy embellishments on my creations.
I have been crafting my whole life. Started making Christmas cards as a young girl and now have been blogging a bit over 2 years. Crafting with a student budget has been definitely a challenge but with a little bit of imagination nothing is impossible.
I am also very keen on sports so in wintertime you'd probably find me on my alpine skis during weekends and summer is all about playing golf.
♥ Wendy ♥
My name is Wendy L, and I am lucky enough to be retired and live in Spain with my great partner.
My card making came about by admiring the work of a colleague. She brought some Christmas cards in to sell and I bought some and thought that I could do that so I bought myself a small kit with all the bits in with the card blanks and I made them all up and thought - Mmmm this is pretty good and that was the start of my road to being poor!!!!!
In 2004 my fiance was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer at the age of 47. We had lots of hospital visits and really bad times, as anyone will know if they have had a family member with this awful disease. I could shut myself away in my craft room and forget for a short time.
I lost my fiance in July 2006 to the dreadful disease. Crafting helped get me through that awful time. I was off work for afew weeks then when I went back nothing seemed the same and I could not cope with the pressure of work anymore so I decided to take 6 months off work, which my boss very kindly agreed to, and I went off to my sisters in Florida ( she has a holiday home there) then I went to my niece in Canada, then carried on going, on my own, around the world at the suggestion of one of my sons.
Since then, I met my partner and he took early retirement and we decided to re-locate to Spain in 2010.
But, after only living here for 2 months, bad news hit again. My phone rang one lunchtime October, with news that my 14 month old grandson had died that morning. I cannot describe to anyone how that felt but life had to go on. I am not dismissing this part of my life but it is still very painful. I, now have a gorgeously cute grand daughter called Hollie and my Son who lost his son is expecting another babs in November.
Anyway, when we moved here I wondered what I could do with all the cards I made, in the UK I gave alot of my cards to cancer charities and sold afew to work mates and friends. So I put a post on an Expat forum and Linda, from Animal Aid responded. She rescues mostly dogs, but afew cats too. She takes them to the vets and gets them back to full health, then tries to rehome them. So I started giving her a bag full when she requires them but I still had loads so I put a post on the forum again and that time a lady that supports a stoma help and advice charity responded, so now I give her some aswell. And finally, I had a phone call from a lady that runs another animal charity and she runs a shop and wanted some cards to sell, so I supply her aswell. I am so glad to be able to help these charities and have an outlet for all my cards because I do make alot with being retired. Whenever I do sell any to friends here all the money gets ploughed back to buy more craft goodies as it does when I do a stall at our local bar twice a year and some of the proceeds go to help the jobless families in our village (there is no government help here as there is in UK) so they have no money to buy food.
I enjoy all types of crafting and with digital images, which I do like colouring, there is no shortage of things to make cards with, but my first love is decoupage. I tend to hop from one thing to another. We do have a craft shop here but it is a little way away but I do visit it now and again.
I spend alot of time hopping and entering challenges.
I just love love love card making and I probably spend far too much time in my craft room. I still do a bit of crocheting, very occasionally, some knitting too, which I learnt from my Mum when I was little. My eldest son has just been over for a visit with his partner and she asked me to teach her to crochet, I was made up.
♥ Marylee ♥
♥ Stacey ♥
♥ Marylee ♥
Hello!! My name is Marylee and I am from Malta. I am 28 years old. I've been crafting since I was little, I never throw anything away that I might once use in a project or turn it into something pretty =) At the moment I do most of my crafting on the desk in my room (so you can imagine in what condition my bedroom is!! Mess!!), until me and my boyfriend finish off our new home, where I'm going to have a craft room all for myself, can't wait =). I started making cards when I moved to UK for a couple of years back in 2007 and never stopped since then, even though I've been selling my cards only for the past year when I started working only on part-time basis and I had more free time. Apart from greeting cards I love to do scrap-booking, paper work, cross-stitch, tapestry, felt key chins and toys, wire and thread flowers (that in my language is called "ganutell"), and sometimes I do some crochet and knitting (only when my mum is around, I'm not as good as she is).
♥ Stacey ♥
Hi I'm Stacey, 34 from Barnsley. I have been crafting for nearly 3 years now and am totally hooked on it. I craft every day and whenever I can I like to get the kids involved in crafting too. I have been married 14 years and have 2 great kids Anna and Liam. I work full time from home but whenever I am not working I am usually crafting. I started off crafting using decoupage sheets, then moved onto CD crafting. Next came stamping and now my true crafting love is Digi Stamping. I am thrilled to be invited onto the Charisma DT and can't wait to get stuck in.
Stacey S xxx