Winner of Challenge #34 Scrap it!

Thursday, 3 September 2009
Good Morning one and all!

Thank you so much to everyone who took part last week! there were some lovely creations made with our scrap it challenge....

We are pleased to annouce the winner of the Daisy May Digi Sheets is:
And The Winner of the 2 week GDT slot with us is:
Congratulations Girls! Please could you e-mail us at, to arrange your prize to get out to you, please contact us by Sunday 6pm GMT or you will unfortunatly have to forfiet your prize!
This weeks challenge is being set by the Me later this morning!
Thanks for playing and we all hope you'll play again this week.
Carly & The Charisma Gals xXx


  1. Sam said...:

    Well done to both of you.
    Sam x

  1. Thank you so much - I'm really excited!!
    Debbie xx

  1. Sarah said...:

    Well done to both of you!!!

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Hiya everyone! thanks for taking part in this weeks Charisma Challenge!

Happy Crafting

Charisma Galz xXx